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Master of Business Administrion


Master of Business Administration (MBA) program provides an opportunity for individuals to prepare for managerial positions in today’s complex and dynamic environment. The program places strong emphasis on the application of business theory to the realities of the business world. It also recognizes the demands of an increasing, competitive, multicultural economy characterized by rapid technological innovation and superior product and service quality demands. The MBA program consists of a prescribed pattern of Graduate courses. The entire program is based on a common core of courses, which examine the functions of the executive and the environment of the administrator. Beyond this core, the student may choose to study in some depth any of a number of particular fields in business administration and economics.

Program Objectives

  • Acquaint the students with the concepts and tools which are relevant to achieve leadership and organizational objectives and goals.
  • Develop and strengthen various emotional intelligence skills.
  • Provide students with the required tools for decision-making and data analysis.
  • Improve students’ marketing skills through the use of case studies
  • Teach students the techniques and tools useful for financial analysis and control in today’s business climate
  • Give students the skills and the knowledge set necessary to ethically manage today’s business operations for productivity and performance
  • Engender a global perspective in all students
  • Develop each student’s strategic thinking

Areas of Concentration

  • Critical thinking
  • Critical Analysis
  • Effective problem solving
  • Effective communication
  • both oral and written communication
  • Leadership
  • The ability to innovate

Major Areas

  • Human Resource Management (HRM)
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Management Information System (MIS)
  • Accounting
  • Apparel Merchandising
  • Textile & Fashion Marketing
  • Supply Chain Management

Career Opportunities

The MBA program is widely acclaimed and almost universally recognized as an academic discipline to prepare students for assuming responsibilities of management in either business, non-business or even government organizations.
In advanced countries like the USA, UK, and USSR the MBA degree offers higher career opportunities to engineers, architects, researchers, merchandisers and even physicians. The universal emphasis is to equip the degree (MBA) holder to meet the challenges of resource constraints and find new avenues for development.
Now-a-days in every society, MBA degree holders get preference over others in any organization that requires group endeavor. In Bangladesh also, the giant organizations like banks, industrial groups, infrastructure developers, tourism and hospitability organizers and even NGOs prefer to employ MBAs in managerial positions.
ISU authority is fully aware of the program needs and is highly committed to produce such MBAs who will compete not only nationally (within the country) but also internationally.

Admission Requirements

  • Successful completion of at least a Bachelor’s degree from a reputed university.
  • Qualifying in ISU admission test or a minimum score of 550 in TOEFL and 500 in GMAT.
  • Work experience after graduation in an executive position is preferred but not essential (for regular MBA only).

Course Structure

Course CategoryNo. of CoursesCredit per CourseTotal Credits
Foundation and General Education (GE)7321



*Note: Under the MBA program we have special arrangements for (i) executives and (ii) BBA graduates. The candidates belonging to these categories will be allowed course waiver based on an acceptable policy followed by most of the private universities in our country.

Upon the completion of the program, the students will be able to:

  • MBA for Executives (EMBA): A genuine executive (both government and non-government) having working experience for a continuous period of at least 03 (three) years after BSc. Engineering/ MBBS/ Honors in any subject or at least 05 (five) years after degree (pass course) will be allowed to enroll for the program. They will have to complete a total of 51 credit hours for the EMBA degree.
  • MBA for BBA graduates: it is a regular practice that the BBA graduates have to complete usually 36 credits for the MBA degree. The department of Business Administration will select the required courses to be offered, usually within 02 (two) semesters.

Degree Requirements

  • Completion of 60 credit hours
  • Completion of the project with at least a ‘C’ grade
  • Passing of all courses individually and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.00.

Financial Information

MBA (Regular / Professionals)

Particulars Unit Cost (in Tk.) Total (in Tk.) Mode of Payment
Admission Fee + Form Fee 10,500 10,500 Once
Tuition Fee (per credit) 2,100 1,26,000 Semester-wise
Registration Fee 5,000 20,000 Semester-wise
Internship Registration Fee 3,000 3,000 During Internship
Library Fee 1,000 1,000 Once
Lab. Fee 500 2,000 Semester-wise
Student Activities Fee 500 2,000 Once
Total 1,64,500

MBA (For BBA Graduates)

Particulars Unit Cost (in Tk.) Total (in Tk.) Mode of Payment
Admission Fee + Form Fee 10,500 10,500 Once
Tuition Fee (per credit) 2,100 88,200
Registration Fee 5,000 15,000 Semester-wise
Internship Registration Fee 3,000 3,000 During Internship
Library Fee 1,000 1,000 Once
Lab. Fee 500 1,500 Semester-wise
Student Activities Fee 500 1,500 Once
Total 1,20,700

List of Courses

Foundation and General Education (GED-Any Seven) Courses
Course Code Course Title Credit
MBA 02315101
Professional English 0
MBA 06115102
Advanced Computer Applications in Business 3
MBA 05425103 Business Mathematics and Statistics
MBA 04135104 Business Communication 3
MBA 04135105 Management of Organizations 3
MBA 04215106 Business Law 3
MBA 02236401 Business Ethics 3
MBA 04215107
Bangladesh Studies

Program Core Courses
MBA 04135201 Organizational Behavior 3
MBA 04145202 Marketing Management 3
MBA 04135203 Human Resource Management 3
MBA 04125204 Financial Management 3
MBA 04115205 Costs and Management Accounting 3
MBA 03115206 Managerial Economics 3
MBA 04136301 Strategic Management 3
MBA 04196302 Research Methodology 3
List of Major Courses
Human Resource Management (Any Four)
MBA 04136303 Strategic Human Resource Management 3
MBA 04136304 Training & Management Development 3
MBA 04136305 Conflict Management and Negotiations 3
MBA 04136406 Industrial Relations 3
MBA 04136307 Human Resource Planning 3
MBA 04136308 Compensation Management 3
MBA 04136309 Performance Appraisal 3
MBA 04136310 Career Planning & Development 3
Marketing (Any Four)
MBA 04146311 Strategic Marketing Management 3
MBA 04146312 Services Marketing 3
MBA 04146313 Consumer Behavior 3
MBA 04146314 Brand Management 3
MBA 04146315 Advertising & Promotional Management 3
MBA 04146316 Supply Chain and Operations Management 3
MBA 04146317 E-Commerce and Digital Marketing 3
MBA 04146318 Marketing Research 3
Finance (Any Four)
MBA 04126319 Corporate Finance 3
MBA 04126320 Investment Theory & Management 3
MBA 04126321 Financial Institutions and Markets 3
MBA 04126322 Real Estate Finance 3
MBA 04126323 Financial Derivatives & Risk Management 3
MBA 04126324 Financial Statements Analysis 3
MBA 04126325 Working Capital Management 3
MBA 04126326 International Financial Management 3
Management Information System (Any Four)
MBA 06136327 Object Oriented Programming Language 3
MBA 06126328 Data Communication & Computer networks 3
MBA 06126329 Systems Analysis & Design 3
MBA 06136330 Software Engineering & Project Management 3
MBA 06126331 Database Management System 3
MBA 06196332 Enterprise Resource Planning 3
MBA 06196333 Computer Based Simulation System 3
MBA 06196334 Artificial Intelligence 3
Accounting (Any Four)
MBA 04116335 Accounting Information System 3
MBA 04116336 Auditing 3
MBA 04116337 Accounting for Govt. & Non-profit Organizations 3
MBA 04116338 Business Taxation 3
MBA 04116339 Intermediate Accounting 3
MBA 04116340 Financial Statement Analysis 3
MBA 04116341 Advanced Cost Accounting 3
MBA 04116342 Accounting Theory 3
Apparel Merchandising (Any Four)
MBA 07236343 Introduction to RMG Business 3
MBA 07236344 Advanced Textile Science (Fiber-Yarn-Fabric) 3
MBA 07236345 Dyeing, Printing and Washing 3
MBA 07236346 Clothing Materials & Cutting Technology 3
MBA 04146347 Introduction to Fashion Marketing 3
MBA 04146348 Tools & Techniques of Merchandising 3
MBA 04136349 Production & Operations Management in RMG 3
MBA 04136350 Quality Control & Compliance in RMG 3
Textile & Fashion Marketing (Any Four)
MBA 04146351 Principles of Textile & Fashion Marketing 3
MBA 04146352 Fashion & Textile Brand Management 3
MBA 04136353 Production & Supply Chain Mgt. in T&F Industry 3
MBA 04146354 Fashion Marketing Strategy & Promotion 3
MBA 04136355 Entrepreneurship in Fashion & Textile 3
MBA 07236356 Raw Materials of Textiles & Elements of FD 3
MBA 07236357 Product Development for Fashion Industry 3
MBA 04146358 Fashion Retailing & Visual Merchandising 3
Bank Management (Any four)

MBA 04126359Commercial Bank Management3
MBA 04126360Central Banking & Monetary Policy3
MBA 04126361Investment Theory and Bank Management3
MBA 04146312Services Marketing3
MBA 04126362Investment Banking and Merchant Banking3
MBA 04126363 Financial Markets and Institutions3
MBA 04126364Rural Banking and Microfinance3
MBA 04126365Foreign Exchange Management and International3
Supply Chain Management (Any four)

MBA 04136366Logistics and Supply Chain Management 3
MBA 04166367Procurement Management3
MBA 04166368Global Supply Chain and Procurement Strategy 3
MBA 04146369Customer Relationship Management3
MBA 60416370Production Planning and Inventory Management3
MBA 04136371Sustainable Supply Chain Management3
MBA 04136372Strategic Supply Chain Management3
MBA 04126325Working Capital Management3
MBA 04136373Supply Chain Modeling 3
MBA 04166374Transportation and Distribution Management3
Digital Marketing (Any four)

MBA 04146375Digital Marketing Analytics3
MBA 04146376Social Media Analytics3
MBA 04146377Content Marketing 3
MBA 04146378Mobile Marketing 3
MBA 04146379 Search Engine Optimization3
MBA 04146380Digital Entrepreneurship3
MBA 04176402 Thesis/ Internship/Project 3