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Message from Vice Chancellor


Prof. Dr. Abdul Awal Khan

Vice Chancellor, ISU

I am delighted to express my gratitude to Almighty Allah for allowing ISU to emerge as a new university. It has been a dream from the authority, for almost a decade, that a quality university will be established and ultimately that dream has come to reality.

The Hon'ble Chairman and the Vice-chairman of the ISU Trust have always been emphasizing  "Quality; not Quantity", "Social Service; not Profit". Their motto is to develop ISU as a social institution.

Contrary to the hidden motive of most of the private universities to maximize short-run financial benefits, ISU aims at long-run social benefits through quality teaching and efficient human resource development. Confidently, ISU is committed to playing a very important role to produce qualified and dedicated manpower for the country.

There are important reasons why a student should choose to study at ISU. Our academic programs have been so designed as to ensure that each student gets an excellent foundation in English language, Mathematics and Computer applications. Such foundation will help students to be effective learners from the very start of the  core courses.

All concerned - the board of trustees, teachers, officers, support staff, etc. - are working in a team to ensure a healthy learning environment for the students. The course curricula are of international standard. The teachers are highly qualified and dedicated. There are opportunities for both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities so that the students find their campus life very meaningful and rewarding.

The UGC and also the Ministry of Education have been pleased to allow ISU to start functioning within the city of Dhaka having a very congenial academic environment and good communication links all around. Founded by very enlightened industrialists of Standard Group, ISU enjoys the prospect of having its permanent campus also within the city itself while the most other established private universities are planning to move outside the city area.

There is an attractive waiver policy (financial) of ISU for students to accommodate the deserving ones very effectively. The high-achieving graduates will be provided with job opportunities in their respective areas of specialization. There are also part time job facilities for the needy students. Thus, it is only a matter of time before ISU finds itself in the hearts and minds of prospective students and parents alike in the near future.

So, join us to help develop your career and also to serve the society in all possible ways.